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A study on reconfiguration manoevres applied to a tetrahedral formation in highly elliptical orbits is proposed, by using a propellantless solution. The manoeuvring strategy consists in exploiting certain environmental forces, specifically those provided by solar radiation pressure and atmospheric drag, by actively controlling the satellites’ attitudes. Through inverse dynamics particle swarm optimization the optimal attitudes required for the manoeuvres are evaluated, whereas the configuration’s evolution is simulated by a high-fidelity orbital simulator. The goal of the reconfiguration problem is to find an optimal control in order for the four spacecraft to reach a desired configuration in a specified portion of orbit, where the desired configuration is evaluated by a shape and size geometric parameter. By increasing the manoeuvring time and the satellites’ area to mass ratio, all the case studies considered are successfully verified.  相似文献   
The full dynamics of spacecraft around an asteroid, in which the spacecraft is considered as a rigid body and the gravitational orbit–attitude coupling is taken into account, is of great value and interest in the precise theories of the motion. The spectral stability of the classical relative equilibria of the full spacecraft dynamics around an asteroid is studied with the method of geometric mechanics. The stability conditions are given explicitly based on the characteristic equation of the linear system matrix. It is found that the linearized system decouples into two entirely independent subsystems, which correspond to the motions within and outside the equatorial plane of the asteroid respectively. The system parameters are divided into three groups that describe the traditional stationary orbit stability, the significance of the orbit–attitude coupling and the mass distribution of the spacecraft respectively. The spectral stability of the relative equilibria is investigated numerically with respect to the three groups of system parameters. The relations between the full spacecraft dynamics and the traditional spacecraft dynamics, as well as the effect of the orbit–attitude coupling, are assessed. We find that when the orbit–attitude coupling is strong, the mass distribution of the spacecraft dominates the stability of the relative equilibria; whereas when the orbit–attitude coupling is weak, both the mass distribution and the traditional stationary orbit stability have significant effects on the stability. We also give a criterion to determine whether the orbit–attitude coupling needs to be considered.  相似文献   
In order to establish a continuous GEO satellite orbit during repositioning maneuvers, a suitable maneuver force model has been established associated with an optimal orbit determination method and strategy. A continuous increasing acceleration is established by constructing a constant force that is equivalent to the pulse force, with the mass of the satellite decreasing throughout maneuver. This acceleration can be added to other accelerations, such as solar radiation, to obtain the continuous acceleration of the satellite. The orbit determination method and strategy are illuminated, with subsequent assessment of the orbit being determined and predicted accordingly. The orbit of the GEO satellite during repositioning maneuver can be determined and predicted by using C-Band pseudo-range observations of the BeiDou GEO satellite with COSPAR ID 2010-001A in 2011 and 2012. The results indicate that observations before maneuver do affect orbit determination and prediction, and should therefore be selected appropriately. A more precise orbit and prediction can be obtained compared to common short arc methods when observations starting 1 day prior the maneuver and 2 h after the maneuver are adopted in POD (Precise Orbit Determination). The achieved URE (User Range Error) under non-consideration of satellite clock errors is better than 2 m within the first 2 h after maneuver, and less than 3 m for further 2 h of orbit prediction.  相似文献   
将微藻和电去离子技术引入密闭生态系统,设计单元反应器旨在验证其在空气再生、水净化和潜在食物的生产。在反应器中对尿液进行消解和NH4+硝化转化得到超过90%NH4+-N硝化为NO-3-N-的培养液适宜于螺旋藻养殖并获得高质量的微藻生物量;此时,CO2的平均吸收速率VCO2=458.6 mL/m3·min、O2产生速率VO2=616.5 mL/m3·min,即螺旋藻的同化系数VCO2/VO2≈0.74,接近人的呼吸系数VCO2/VO2=0.86;EDI法水净化率97%可直接回用。结果表明:该体系能实现CO2吸收、O2释放和螺旋藻生物量的生产,同时将水净化。  相似文献   
荀子根据"勇"与"义"、"利"的关系提出了"狗彘之勇"、"贾盗之勇"、"小人之勇"、"士君子之勇",只有"士君子之勇"是值得提倡的。荀子还将"勇"划分为上勇、中勇、下勇,认为只有上勇才是真正的大勇。真正的勇并不是先天具有的,是后天"人为"的结果,需要重视礼的作用,树立重义轻利的求荣避辱观念,通过师法不断培养才能形成。  相似文献   
以济宁曲阜机场为例,结合菏泽机场规划,说明了济宁曲阜机场存在机场位置与旅游景区位置发生偏离、对济宁城市空间扩展引导不足、限制菏泽机场规划、影响济宁综合交通枢纽建设以及机场容量无法满足旅客量增长等问题,这些问题具有一定的普遍意义,希望能促进规划和决策者对军民合用这一机场建设方式采取更为谨慎的态度.  相似文献   
小型固定翼无人机集群综述和未来发展综述   总被引:8,自引:6,他引:2  
王祥科  刘志宏  丛一睿  李杰  陈浩 《航空学报》2020,41(4):23732-023732
围绕小型固定翼无人机集群这一难度高、发展快、应用前景广阔、多学科交叉的新方向,从集群系统内涵、现有典型项目、关键技术3个角度综述了国内外小型固定翼无人机集群的研究现状。在系统梳理集群系统内涵和应用优势的基础上,从集群协同模式探索、分布指挥体系构建、核心关键技术突破和集群验证等4个视角总结现有典型项目,从体系架构、通信组网、决策与规划、飞机平台、集群飞行、集群安全与集群指控等7个核心点综述了技术研究现状。最后,综合小型固定翼无人机集群中亟需解决的关键技术,展望了这一领域未来的发展趋势。  相似文献   
为了研究四喷管运载火箭起飞时火箭周围噪声环境问题,建立燃气/空气双组分的可压缩流动模型,采用2阶Roe格式、SAS(scale-adaptive simulation)湍流模型和声学类比积分法Ffowcs-Williams Hawkings(FW-H)求解三维Navier-Stokes方程。以单机火箭的噪声问题为对象开展数值模拟,并将噪声数值计算结果与试验数据对比,误差在3dB以内(相对误差小于1.6%),验证预测噪声方法的有效性,进而研究四喷管运载火箭起飞阶段采用不同导流槽构型对箭体舱段区域噪声环境的影响,结果表明:在相同噪声接收点处,单侧导流槽对应的总声压级比双侧导流槽大,两者的总声压级(OASPL)之差最大为10.7dB。另外,当采用单侧导流槽时,沿周向接收点的噪声总声压相对单侧导流槽中心截面呈对称分布,而且沿导流出口方向逐渐增大。所建立的噪声数值方法为大推力捆绑运载火箭舱段的噪声环境预测及其控制提供一定参考。  相似文献   
通过理论计算和实验验证分析了介质材料对频率选择表面传输特性的影响规律,讨论了蒙皮的厚度、介电常数,芯层厚度、介电常数四个因素对FSS的通带位置、宽度、损耗的影响。结果表明,蒙皮和芯层厚度增厚会使通带位置向低频移动,厚度减小通带位置向高频移动;蒙皮和芯层介电增大会使通带位置向低频移动,介电减小通带位置向高频移动。并测试了同样结构的FSS平板传输特性,理论分析和实验结果一致性较好。  相似文献   
目前,基于快速建模下的重量重心估算系统得到了快速发展。为了进一步提高结构重量估算精度,研究了如何在重量重心快速分析(WCGA)系统环境中构建优化模块。以机翼结构重量优化为例,提出优化流程,对优化模块功能进行分解,给出模型简化要求。以A320飞机机翼为例,对梁和长桁进行优化,结果显示,经过优化,有效减轻了结构重量,且相比于传统的减重优化设计方法,极大提高了计算效率。  相似文献   
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